A team of scientists that green tea contains a powerful antioxidant, and material (polyphenols) are the most important antioxidant that...

Green Tea Secret prevention of aging !

10:56 Kristina 0 Comments

A team of scientists that green tea contains a powerful antioxidant, and material (polyphenols) are the most important antioxidant that works to protect brain cells dramatically, especially in the case of spinal cord injuries.

It is worth mentioning that the material (polyphenols) that can protect nerve cells in the spinal cord damage against the oxidation process and toxic free radicals, which in turn protects against premature aging and dementia.

The team of Chinese researchers that extracts of green tea significantly reduce the negative effects of the oxidation process and challenge them in the neurons, which confirmed that the (polyphenols) found in green tea, is one of the most important protective factors against the oxidation process harmful and that lead to secondary infections that may attached to the spinal cord.

Scientists have noted that the accumulation of nutrients that cause oxidation, can cause a series of lipid peroxidation, such as protein oxidation and DNA damage.

Of foods that must accompany green tea is associated with him and for the health of young people and permanent (vegetables such as spinach, carrots, celery and tomatoes) and (fruit such as oranges, grapefruit, cherries, cranberries), as well as natural juices, unsweetened.

So experts advise drinking in the field of nutrition (2-4) a cup of green tea not only in order to lose weight, but for eternal youth.

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